Automotive distribution and retailing research, insight, implementation

Member events

Member events

Member events

Our meetings, workshops, and webinars are open to ICDP programme members only

For more information, please contact us.

Members can also download presentation material from the Member events archive page.

Open webinar: aftermarket model
10:00 am10:00

Open webinar: aftermarket model

For over 15 years we have produced forecasts looking at the size and shape of the aftermarket in key European markets, which have been shaped by trends such as changes to service intervals, the growth of electrification, and the clash between franchised and independent worlds.  Due to the size and complexity of the aftermarket, there is only so much we can cover – to address this we have recently created a flexible, scalable, aftermarket model to enable users to produce their own, user-defined, aftermarket forecasts, with the ability to pull various levers and explore different scenarios. 

In this open webinar, we will showcase our aftermarket model by using it to examine a range of scenarios, investigating how both the volume of repairs and the value of parts could be impacted by the pressures facing the aftermarket.  We will explore topics such as the impact of network reductions by looking at how capacity utilisation and parts volumes and values are affected, as well as how quickly new entrants can expect to generate meaningful aftersales volumes in a franchised network.

The aftermarket model is available to purchase, or we can use it in the context of consulting engagements for clients, so although we will illustrate a number of different scenarios during the webinar, the focus will be on demonstrating the potential and the flexibility of the model, in order to allow participants to determine whether this is something they would like to be able to use themselves in their own planning processes.

If you would like to find out more, please download the flyer HERE, and to receive a Zoom invite to the webinar, please contact

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Webinar: new entrants update
10:00 am10:00

Webinar: new entrants update

It is no secret that new entrants into the European market have big ambitions, nor that that those who are already established are merely the advance guard with others still to follow.  It is quite possible – despite the tariffs on Chinese BEVs – that the number of new brands (Tesla and MG onwards) might equal the number of established brands within two or three years across Europe, when sub-brands of more recognised players are included.  For all players in the industry this presents a challenge to determine which one will succeed and which might fall away.  To what extent will the later arrivals learn from mistakes made by some of the first to arrive here?  How easy will it be for the new entrants to find capable partners for distribution, retail and services?  Are there enough good quality people to take the key roles in such an intense period of activity?  In this webinar, we will explore these and other issues.

If you would like to attend, please send an email to and a Zoom invite will be sent to you.

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Webinar: Used BEVs
10:00 am10:00

Webinar: Used BEVs

During this webinar, we will present the quantitative and qualitative results of the first phase of our 2025 research on used-BEVs, covering the major European markets, plus Norway.

The presentation will be structured around 4 main topics:

  1. An analysis of the current used BEV market features, in terms of sales volume, age, channel, finance schemes… Where relevant, a comparison with the Norwegian market (current status, historical trends) will be made;

  2. A review of the OEM specific strategies and labels developed to support used-BEV sales in their networks;

  3. The impact of the regulation – dedicated incentives (if any), impact of LEZ on used car powertrain mix etc. – will be covered as well;

  4. Finally, the specific needs, worries and attitudes of end-customers regarding the purchase of used-BEVs will be reviewed, via the analysis of ICDP own data and existing reports on the topic.

A short session on the trends regarding used-BEVs prices and stock levels will close the webinar, setting the scene for the second phase of the research (to be presented in October )

If you would like to attend this webinar, please send an email to and a Zoom invite will be sent to you.

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Spring Meeting 2025 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
to 19 Mar

Spring Meeting 2025 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

  • Kimpton de Witt Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The agenda for this meeting is now available in the download below.

We are offering some dealer visits on the morning of 18th March - see the flyer and factor these into your arrival times.

Otherwise the agenda will follow the usual timing: 18th March commence with an informal lunch at 12.30 p.m. - a full agenda until 3.30 p.m. on the 19th March.

If you have any further queries, please contact

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