Automotive distribution and retailing research, insight, implementation

The Omni-Channel Cookbook

The Omni-Channel Cookbook - a special report from ICDP

The Omni-Channel Cookbook

Consumer pressures drive the need to offer an omni-channel customer experience for car buyers, and the digitalisation of our industry provides the opportunity to do that.  Manufacturers are also looking to reduce cost of distribution, some through the implementation of agency, but a number of the implementations have run into difficulties.  Our view is that this has more to do with the way in which the projects have been launched and managed than it is to do with the fundamental objectives.  In that context, drawing on our experience and observations, we have prepared the Omni-Channel Cookbook.  As the name implies, this is focused on making omni-channel work, rather than arguing for any specific solution or providing a status on progress made to date.  We look at the consumer drivers of omni-channel, the barriers that have been experienced to date, and how those barriers can be removed or avoided. The report is available to ICDP members to download here, or our other industry friends can request a copy by email through the Project Office

Read the omni-channel cookbook


And a short promo video: