July 2023 ICDP Tuesday Update webinar Current challenges in aftersales: recruitment and inflation are repairers’ top concerns
In this webinar – the fourth in our new format of monthly updates and the first focusing on aftersales – the main topic related to today’s challenges to be overcome by independent repairers, some of these challenges being highlighted by the current economic context.
Currently, across Europe, independent repairers are facing a number of key issues - could they be technical (e.g. electrification of the parc), structural (e.g. difficulties in hiring workshop technician) or conjunctural (e.g. rising costs) – that imply to take strong and quick actions. In this webinar, we explored how garages cope with these various issues and how they anticipate the evolution of their business in 2023.
To support our analysis, we reported on our own ICDP repairer survey outputs, as well as on some third parties studies led over the past few weeks in various European countries. We also benefitted from our Hungarian member expertise (ANK) who provided us with some results of the repairer survey that was led recently in its home market.
In addition to this core topic, we briefly reported on the latest news from other areas of research across sales and aftersales in the main European markets.
The presentation shown is below as a pdf with speaking notes and there is also a video recording.